Multiculturalism is often used in conjunction with the term diversity.
A genre is a loose set of criteria for a category of composition; the term is often used to categorize literature and speech, but is also used for any other form of art or utterance.
"Here and there" is a slang term used to portray a nonspecific location often used in response to a question of where a person has been. Another slang term for this is "around" and "nowhere".
The Term You Are Looking For Is Handshaking!
Home state stands from where something or someone is from. The term is often used when referring to sport teams.
"Titty" is a colloquial term for a woman's breast. It is often used informally or humorously, but can be considered vulgar or offensive in certain contexts. The term is not typically used in formal or academic settings due to its slang nature.
Another word for a SYNTHETIC resin is a plastic.
The term echodermis is referring to a person's skin. This is the scientific name and definition for this term. It is used often in Science and other professions.
The term often used was 'Aryan'.
A term often used is "evaluate".
A quadratic curve is often used as a synonym although, strictly speaking, that term can refer to many other curves.
"Germs" is a common non-scientific term used to refer to microbes.
Often used as a slang term for tennis shoe.
Nanna is often used as a term of endearment for grandmother.
W.C. Fields
A genre is a loose set of criteria for a category of composition; the term is often used to categorize literature and speech, but is also used for any other form of art or utterance.
A billigan is a slang term for a do over in golf. It similar to the term mulligan used in golf. This term was used quite often with President Bill Clinton.
"Saltanas" is a term that is often used to refer to sultanas, which are dried white grapes that are commonly used in baking or as a snack. They are smaller and sweeter than raisins and are often used in making fruitcakes, puddings, and other baked goods.