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An empire.

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Q: Many territories and people who are controlled by one government is?
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Why do the public services need rules and regulations?

rules and regulations can be defined as controlling human or societal behaviour by rules or restrictions. So without them we wouln't be able to control humans or societal behaviour... Causing no control over anyones actions!

What is the plural of people?

The word 'people' can be either singular or plural in meaning. The approximate meaning when it is singular is 'a group of persons united by some sort of common thread'. In this sense, the word 'people' has a plural form 'peoples'. For example 'He travelled extensively in the Far East and lived among many different peoples.' When the meaning of the word 'people' is plural, it does not have a plural form. For example 'There are many people in the country who do not agree with the Government's policies.'

How do you use control variable in a sentence?

Most of scientific experiments use controlled variable to evaluate the result.controlled variable allows us many benefits over traditional variables.Double blind studies often use controlled variables & pseudo Drugs.

What is ancestral domain?

Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title (CADT) gives many rights to the community, including the control of land, air and sea resources, the right to stay in the territory, even the right to regulate entry of migrants. With their certificate, the community could also avail itself of a government Ancestral Domain Sustainability Development and Protection Plan, which is a package of economic and social services.

How do you spell beaucracy?

Bureaucracy is too many layers of government.

Related questions

Many territories and people controlled by one government define?

it is called an empire

How many Jewish people were killed in Romania?

Approx. 10 000 in the territory controlled officially by the Romanian government.

What are limited governments and unlimited governments?

Limited government is when the people have some sort of say in the laws created. A limited government is controlled by many people. The U.S. government has a limited government. An UNlimited government is a government ruled by one person or a small group. Often times these rulers are unfair and create unfair laws. The people don't have a say in anything.

How many people live in the northwest territories?

About 42,500 people live there.

What was true about television since the 1980's?

The government has increasingly controlled how many stations are available

A government controlled by one politicial group which supresses all oppostion and controls many aspects of it citizens?

You are referring to a totalitarian government.

How many different economic systems exist?

Communism - land, means of production and property are owned by the people as a group, but the government makes all the economic decisions. The government decides which goods are available at a given time. Socialism - all land, property, and means of production is controlled by the government. All economic decisions are made by the government. The government decides what gods are produced. Capitalism (market economy) - entrepreneurs risk capital in a business. Economic decisions of what to produce is controlled by supply and demand. Price is controlled by demand for the most part. Private ownership is an important part of capitalism. Government decisions affect the economy in a capitalistic society. Barter- People trade for what they need.

How has geographic location affected Canada's provinces and territories?

Well the geographic location of Canada's provinces and territories can vary in which how many people live there.

What was not true about television since 1980s?

the government has increasingly controlled how many stations are available -apex

Was there any land which was owned by the US government but which was not yet admitted into the Union as a state?

Yes the US has several territories; 6 incorporated territories and many unincorporated ones that serve as military bases.

Why did some Americans in the southwest call for the reparation of Mexican immigrants?

Because the southwest originally was part of Mexico. By conquering such territories, many of these people were swiftly sacked from their lands.

How were many African people and territories involved by the First World War and when they started to fight?

The African people and territories were involved in the First World War when the war started through their mother colonies.