"I'm sorry you are so pretty."
It means: and I feel happy being myself.
The word lo in the Italian language translates into English as the word the. The word lo in Spanish translates as it.
For your 411, is not such a thing as a Cuban language, in Cuba they speak Spanish (mostly) and if you want to know how to say "I am sorry", you can say "Lo siento" that will be the closest and easier translation.
we love it
it means sorry
Lo siento, no.
The root of the verb for 'Lo siento' - sentir - means 'to feel.' Literally, "Lo siento" means 'I feel it." However, there are elements to the connotation of the word that involve hurt, pain, lament, etc. So it's a fairly good English translation to say 'Lo siento' means 'I'm sorry,' which is how it is regularly translated.
Lo Siento was created in 2003.
lo siento Lo siento.
Lo Siento = I'm sorry or pardon me mi vida = my life so, I guess I'm sorry my life.
lo siento
Lo siento Lo siento mucho Perdon Perdone
English = I am sorry also Spanish = lo siento también
Lo Siento para el uso de ingles
i love you: te amo I'm sorry: Lo siento so together it would be Te amo y lo siento
It means: I love him; it doesn't matter how I feel.