Skiing, radii, genii (plural radius and plural genius).
And of course, Hawaii, Hawaiian, taxiing, safariing, shanghaiing and also Shiite.
Wii could be considered a word of the English language, but it is more of a personal name for a gaming system.
Also, the abbreviation Ascii is sometimes treated and pronounced as a word.
Another word is inferii (The plural for inferius).
The noun "shelf" has an irregular plural: shelves. (For list of irregular, regular and other plurals with words ending with F or FE, see the related links below this box.)
Try one of these words........ Agenda Timetable Calendar List Plan Rota Programme To-do list And I suggest you buy a thesaurus
The plural of packing list is packing lists. As in "where are the packing lists?".
The noun "shelf" has an irregular plural: shelves. (For list of irregular, regular and other plurals with words ending with F or FE, see the related links below this box.)
Try writing this question in English. Most plural nouns do end in s. Perhaps you mean that you want a list of nouns that end in s but are not plural.
List of words ending in -eel:cartwheelchainwheelcogwheelcreeleelenwheelfeelflywheelforefeelfreewheelgearwheelgenteelhandwheelheelkeelkneelmanchineelnewsreelnosewheelpeelpinwheelreelrefeelseelspeelstreelsteelungenteelunreelwheel
Here's a list of seven letter words ending in "rite":Amoriteazuritecowritecupritedioriteeucriteferritenitriterewritethorite
Examples of words with double consonants:abbreviationacceptallureassumeaffableaggressiveanniversaryballetbarrettebubblebabblebobblecuddlecattlecrabbychubbycoffeecellarcollarcallousdollardilldimmerellipseflattenflabbyfloppyfoggyflutterfrazzleflatterflammablegabbyhappyhasslehammerissueillinnjollylullladderletterlattermaggotmuzzleoccupyoffoddpaddlepuzzlepuddleparrotpuffquillquellrallyreallyrapportsummerslobbersaddlesettlesuddenshippedsnappedtabbytrippedtaffytoggleuddervolleyvalleywhiffwafflewrappedyellowyuccazappedzipper