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Yes, the word 'wish' is both a verb and a noun.

The noun 'wish' is a word for the feeling of wanting or desiring something; a word for something wanted or desired; a word for a thing.

The noun forms of the verb to wish are wisher and the gerund, wishing.

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12y ago

Yes, the word 'wishing' is a gerund, the present participle of the verb 'to wish', a word that functions as a noun. Example:

Wishing won't make it happen, you must actually do something to make it happen.

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Is wish a verb or a noun?

The word wish is both a noun (wish, wishes) and a verb (wish, wishes, wishing, wished); for example: Noun: Make a wish and blow out the candles. Verb: I wish I had a new bike for my birthday.

Is wish a noun or verb?

The word wish is both a noun (wish, wishes) and a verb (wish, wishes, wishing, wished); for example: Noun: Make a wish and blow out the candles. Verb: I wish I had a new bike for my birthday.

What type of noun is wish?

The noun 'wish' is a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for a desire or hope; a word for a thing.

What is noun of wish?

The noun 'wish' is a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for a desire or hope; a word for a thing.

What part of speech is wish?

Wish is an abstract noun and a verb. Noun: Make a wish! Verb: Wish for world peace.

Is wished an abstract noun?

The word wished is a verb, the past tense of 'to wish'.The word wish is an noun as well as a verb. The noun wish (wishes) is a common, abstract noun; a word for a desire or a want for something; a word for an emotion.

What part of speech is the wish?

the is an adjective and wish is a noun

What is the abstract noun of wish?

The noun 'wish' is an abstract noun, a word for a desire or hope; a word for an emotion.

Is wish a preposition?

No. it is not. The word "wish" is either a verb or a noun.

What is the word wish when translated from English to french?

Do you mean the noun or the verb?The noun "wish" is "souhait"The verb "to wish" is: "souhaiter"Obviously you need to conjugate it to your particular usage though.

What is the opposite of wish?

synonyms desire and antonym wealth

What is the Arabic phonetic translation for wish?

Wish as a Verb : Atamanna ,,, written : أتمنى wish as a Noun : Omneia ,,, Written : أمنية