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Q: Is wherever a word
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What is a sentence using the word wherever?

Wherever I go, people ask me to do their homework for them.

What is the correct spelling of where ever?

Wherever is one word, spelled W-H-E-R-E-V-E-R

Is wherever a compound word?


Is where ever you are and where ever I am correct?

"Where ever" should be spelled as one word. "Wherever you are" and "wherever I am" are correct.

Is wherever an adverb?

It can be. But wherever is usually a conjunction that connects an adverb clause. e.g. "You see them wherever you go." The rare case of wherever being an adverb would be an as exaggerated version of the word "where" - e.g. "Wherever did he go?"

How many syllables are in the word wherever?


What does the word Firearm mean in Canada?

Prolly the same as wherever you're from

What songs have the word hat in them?

Wherever I lay my hat, that's my home - Paul Young

What is an eight letter word meaning spot?

molucule, particle, locality, position, wherever,

What is the opposite meaning for the word foreigner?

Native. A 'foreigner' is from somewhere else; a native is from here (wherever that is).

What is the Morocco word for dollar?

"Dollar" is "Dollar" wherever you go! BUT... the local currency is called "DIRHAM"

How can you use the word condemnation in a sentence?

Such treatment deserves condemnation from the Church's pastors wherever it occurs.