it means poops out
real, genuine
It normally requires a hyphen: window-pane, but many hyphenated words are having their hyphens dropped, so in another 20 years it might be a genuine compound word.
real / true / genuine
Bogus, phony.
3 words for you ; real , actual -- genuine .
The word "genuine" is an adjective.
The superlative form of the word "genuine" is "most genuine."
Opaque or see through.
That steak was genuine!
Genuine intention refers to having honest and sincere motives behind your actions or decisions. It involves acting with integrity and authenticity, without hidden agendas or ulterior motives. Being guided by genuine intention reflects a sense of transparency and honor in one's behavior.
heartfelt, wholehearted, profound, deep, genuine, real, unfeigned, unaffected, true, honest, genuine, truthful, unhypocritical, straightforward, direct, frank, candid, straight, upfront
(the word is also used metaphorically)Her mother was shocked by the transparency of her daughter's nightgown.The transparency of the window was impeded by a thick layer of dust.After claims of corruption, the city leaders pledged a new level of governmental transparency.The last transparency for the lecturer's presentation was somehow misplaced.
The bill was genuine and not counterfeit.