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Any word, phrase or clause that answers the question When is acting as an adverb.

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Q: Is this sentence an adjective or adverb As soon as the doors opened?
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Related questions

Is the clause an adverb or adjective as soon as the doors opened?

Adverb, answering the question "When?"

Is as soon as the doors open an adverb or adjective clause?


What the subordinate clause in this sentence As soon as the doors opened the crowd pushed into the stadium entrance?

The crowd pushed into the stadium entrance. Wrong^ it's " As soon as the doors opened,

What kind of clause is as soon as the doors opened?

adj. (a+ users) (:

Is electronically an adverb?

Yes, the word electronically is an adverb.

What doors need to be opened?

Folding doors

What are the release dates for When the Prison Doors Opened - 1913?

When the Prison Doors Opened - 1913 was released on: USA: 1 November 1913

What is a kids sentence for automatic?

Most kids only know about automatic washing machines because they never saw a wringer washing machine. The automatic doors opened as I approached the store. I was hit because the automatic doors closed when I was walking through the doors. When I was walking through the doors, the automatic doors hit me.

Is there a word called purposfully?

There is a word 'purposefully'; it's an adverb meaning in a purposeful manner; deliberately; on purpose. For example:The doors to opened for the big sale, and the queue of shoppers marched purposefully into the store.

How do you use doors on creative mode on minecraft?

Wooden doors can be placed normally, they are opened and closed by right clicking on them. Iron doors can only be opened or closed by buttons or levers adjacent to them.

What is grammatically correct -doors open or door opens?

Either one is fine, although each means something slightly different. There is nothing wrong with writing or saying, "The store will be open on Sundays from now on." In that sentence, the word open functions as an adjective. It means not closed, and available to conduct business. If you write, "On Monday, the store will be opened by the assistant manager," the word opened functions as a verb. It means made available to conduct business.

The Blues Image opened for the doors?
