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Q: Is this correct usage of english-Thanks for a still quicker reply?
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Yes they can see a reply if they click on their @replies. That's how you get to know peeps on Twitter!

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I am not sure but this is what I want to know as well!

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you have to be truthful with her!

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A franking machine is a small device that places stamps on mail. It is a quicker process than placing them on by hand, and they are still used today. They can be found on "Business Reply" pre-stamped envelopes that are sometimes enclosed inside along with a bill or donation request.

If your profile is not public can you still send a reply to someone you follow but not following you?

Yes you can still tweet them and they will still see the tweet in their mentions.

But still is it correct English?

it is not correct English, you rather say still

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If you properly block a Youtube user, they will not be able to see your channel or reply to your comments.

What do you do if someone doesn't reply to you?

If you phoned, texed or emailed and the person doesn't reply then it's possible they are simply busy. Try calling again. Give it three chances and if the person still doesn't reply then don't bother calling anymore.

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The second one is correct: "If the opportunity still exists."

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