Our records show on April 04, 2013 we received the signed Letters of Authority naming you as the Personal Representative of the estate.
No. The separate levels of the atmosphere are not capitalized.
Well, as a common noun it does not need to be capitalized as for it used in this sentence, " I'd like to give you a wedding at my house." but if used as a proper noun it does need to be capitalized. " I loved the Wedding."
It is only capitalized when it precedes the name of a Governor. It shouldn't be capitalized when used alone in a sentence.
No - it is just good evening.
The word "sun" is not usually capitalized in a sentence. The exception is if it is used in context with other planets that are being capitalized in the sentence. Ex: "Jupiter is closer to the Sun than Neptune."
Dodgeball is capitalized if it starts the sentence. But if dodgeball is used in the middle of a sentence it is not capitalized.
No, "line manager" is not capitalized when used in a sentence unless it begins the sentence.
No, "personnel" is not capitalized when used in a sentence unless it is at the beginning of the sentence or part of a title.
Yes, all words used in the beginning of the sentence is capitalized.
No. The separate levels of the atmosphere are not capitalized.
All cities, Kentwood included, are capitalized when used in a sentence because they are propper nouns.
In a conjunction, such as "and," "but," or "or," you do not need to capitalize unless it is the first word of a sentence.
Well, as a common noun it does not need to be capitalized as for it used in this sentence, " I'd like to give you a wedding at my house." but if used as a proper noun it does need to be capitalized. " I loved the Wedding."
No, "sister" is not capitalized in the middle of a sentence unless it is used as part of the name or title that is capitalized. For example, in "I have a younger sister," "sister" would not be capitalized.
Yes, "Convent" should be capitalized when used in a sentence because it is a proper noun referring to a specific place where nuns live.
No, "polar" should not be capitalized when used in the middle of a sentence. It should only be capitalized if it is the first word of a sentence or part of a proper noun.
Yes, "Selection Committee" should be capitalized when used in a sentence as it is a proper noun.