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Even can be an adjective, an adverb or a noun, but to be considered a verb it has to be in the form of to even out or to even up.

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12y ago

Yes, it is

Even: tr. & intr.v. evened, evening, evensMeaning: To make or become even

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Q: Is the word even a verb?
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What part of speech is the word even?

The word 'even' is a verb, an adjective, or an adverb.A verb is a word for an action or a state of being.An adjective is a word used to describe a noun.An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.Example uses:Perhaps moving the balls to the left will even it out. (verb, a word for an action)She cut the cake into even portions. (adjective, describes the noun 'portions')The baby liked it so much that he even licked the bowl. (adverb, modifies the verb 'licked')

Is swum a verb?

It isn't even a word, but swam is. swam is also a verb.

Is the word very a verb?

No. The word very is adverb or even used as an adjective.

What type of word is even?

The word 'even' can be both a verb and a conjunction. Perhaps moving the balls to the left will even it out.In this instance, 'even' is a verb. Even if she gets an B, she will still be top of her class.In this instance, 'even' is a conjunction. It depends entirely on how it is used in a sentence. It could be an adjective, adverb or verb. ADJ: Was it an even exchange? ADV: No, he charged me $10 and even expected a tip! VERB: Well, things tend to even out in the end.

Is the word even a preposition?

No, the word "even" is not a preposition. It is commonly used as an adverb, conjunction, or verb modifier in sentences.

Is cat a linking verb?

Cat is not even a verb. A verb is a doing word. Cat is a name of an animal so it is a noun. So no, its not a linking verb!

What part of speech is the word slide?

The word "slide" can be a noun, a verb, or even an adjective, depending on how it is used in a sentence.

Is coolness a verb?

Seeing as how coolness does not describe an action no coolness is not a verb honestly i dont even think its a word :P

Is exspandabling an adverb?

No, it is not even an English word. The word "expanding" is a verb form that is also used as an adjective.

Is evening an adverb?

Can be. Adverbs modify verbs, so if an action can be described as being done in an even way, the the word even is being used as an adverb. Can be. Adverbs modify verbs, so if an action can be described as being done in an even way, the the word even is being used as an adverb.

Is marched a verb?

Yes, a verb is an action word, even if the action took place in the past. He marched in the parade, for example, uses the verb marched to tell the action that heperformed.

Is even a pronoun?

No, it is not. The word 'even' is a verb, an adjective, or an adverb.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.A verb is a word for an action or a state of being.An adjective is a word used to describe a noun.An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.Example uses:Jim was late for work so he ran the last block. (the pronoun 'he' takes the place of the noun 'Jim')He used a rake to even out the gravel on the walkway. (verb, a word for an action)She cut the cake into even portions. (adjective, describes the noun 'portions')The baby liked it so much that he even licked the bowl. (adverb, modifies the verb 'licked'; the pronoun 'he' takes the place of the noun 'baby' in the second part of the sentence)Note: The word 'Evan' (capital E) is a noun, a proper noun, the name of a group of indigenous people of northern Siberia, also known as the Lamut.