In Kannada, Avocado is called Benne-Hannu.
A proper noun is the name or title of a specific person, place, or thing.Examples of proper nouns for the common noun 'avocado' are:California Avocado Commission (trade organization)Avocado Boulevard in La Mesa, CALily of the Desert's Tropical Plantation 100% Pure Avocado Oil
The word 'word' is a singular, common noun; a word for a thing.The noun 'word' is a concrete noun when spoken, it can be heard and when written, it can be seen.The noun 'word' is an abstract noun as in a kind word or a word to the wise.
The noun 'justice' is a concrete noun as a word for a judge or a magistrate, a word for a person.The word 'justice' is an abstract noun; a word for a quality of fairness and reason; a word for a concept.
Yes the word classroom is a noun. It is a common noun.
The African Luhya word for the English word "avocado" is "liavakadoo".
The singular form of the noun avocados is avocado.The singular possessive form is avocado's.Example: The avocado's color looks good on the plate.
Avocado in hindi means 'makhan phal'.The Telugu word for Avocado is 'venna pandu'.
In Kannada, Avocado is called Benne-Hannu.
Many words in English have a root word in Latin or Greek. This is not the case for avocado. The word reportedly comes from the Nahuatl (Aztec) word "ahuacatl" or testicle (due to the shape of the fruit). This would be the root word for the English word avocado.
The word "avocado" in Hindi is मगरनेफल (magarnefal).
it's the same word: die Avocado [stress on the a vowels AH-vo-cAdo]
A proper noun is the name or title of a specific person, place, or thing.Examples of proper nouns for the common noun 'avocado' are:California Avocado Commission (trade organization)Avocado Boulevard in La Mesa, CALily of the Desert's Tropical Plantation 100% Pure Avocado Oil
Yes, the word seed is both a verb (seed, seeds, seeding, seeded) and a noun (seed, seeds). Examples: Verb: We need to seed the bare spots in the lawn. Noun: Each avocado contains one large seed.
MakhanphalMakhanphal is a Hindi term that refers to "Avocado" (Persea americana). In India, Avocado is also known as Butterfruit. In some countries, Avocado is also known as Alligator pear, or Butter Pear. In Kannada, one of the spoken languages in India, Avocado is called "Bennehannu"