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No, hyperbole is an exaggeration. "Raining hard enough to wash the town away" would be hyperbole. "Raining cats and dogs" is an idiom because it makes no sense when you translate it literally.

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11y ago

I would say it is more of an idiom since idioms usually don't make sense in their literal form. We know that literal cats and dogs don't fall out of the sky when it is raining hard.

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14y ago

LITERAL? The LITERAL meaning is that cats and dogs are falling out of the sky.

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15y ago

No, it's an idiom.

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Q: What is the figurative language for it was raining cats and dogs?
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What is figurative language?

Language that goes beyond the ordinary meaning of words. Figurative language is different from literal language in that the former uses all kinds of techniques including metaphor, simile, and so on to get its message across whilst the latter (literal) uses straightforward factual language. Figurative speech is desirable for novel writing because it is more interesting but literal is more appropriate in an official document and in academic writing. Non-literal or figurative language refers to words, and groups of words, that exaggerate or alter the usual meanings of the component words.

What is two examples of figurative language in no more dead dogs?

Trust me, that dog is going down.

What makes figurative language more appealing?

Have you've ever asked yourself: What is the difference between a funny story and a biography. Words. The choice of words is what makes the reader want to read. Look at the following sentences and tell me which is better:1) It was a rainy day. I was bored, depressed, and wanted to go outside to play like a regular being should, but here I was stuck under this roof reading. I wanted to go outside but it seemed to be raining for forever.2) It was raining cats and dogs today! I wanted to go out side so much. The playing equipment was calling me, the park was longing for me, my friends were beckoning me, but here I was, a dog stuck on a leash. Can't time just fly by like it usually does when I am having a good time?I put in bold all of the text that had figurative language in it. My examples are probably not that good.... I was quickly thinking of an example, but you probably picked example number two as being more engaging.Figurative language should be fun, exciting, and creative. It should be the reason why the paper you are writing has life in the first place (opinion). When you don't want something to be obvious, like saying it is raining hard, you use figurative language to make someone think about the true meaning.

Can a simile be a idiom?

The answer to that question is no. It's no because a metaphor is an compairson that says one thing is another and an idiom is an expression that says one thaing but means something quite different ( It's raining cats and dogs, which means it's raining heavily). The answer to that question is no. It's no because a metaphor is an compairson that says one thing is another and an idiom is an expression that says one thaing but means something quite different ( It's raining cats and dogs, which means it's raining heavily).

Do dogs win in the movie cats and dogs?

The dogs win in the movie cats and dogs.

Related questions

What does language mean in language arts?

It means to use other words instead of your words to express what you are saying. For Example: Its raining cats and dogs. This is figurative language because it expresses that it is raining very hard.

What does figuraurtive language mean in language arts?

It means to use other words instead of your words to express what you are saying. For Example: Its raining cats and dogs. This is figurative language because it expresses that it is raining very hard.

When you use an expression like raining cats and dogs you are using?

"It's raining cats and dogs" is an idiom.

Is raining cats and dogs a simile or a hyperbole which is an exaggeration?

The phrase "it's raining cats and dogs!" is hyperbole.

What does raining cat and dogs mean?

Raining cats and dogs mean that it's raining very hard

Is 'its raining cats and dogs' an example of personification?

No! 'its raining cats and dogs' is an Idiom.

What is a Idiom question?

An idiom is a phrase or expression that has a figurative meaning different from the literal meaning of the words used. Idioms are often culturally specific and can be confusing for non-native speakers to understand. Example: "It's raining cats and dogs" means it is raining heavily, not that actual cats and dogs are falling from the sky.

When do cats fall from the sky?

There is an expression - "raining cats and dogs". This does not mean that cats and/or dogs are literally falling from the sky, it simply means that it is raining very hard.

Under what headword would you find the idiom raining cats dogs?

under what headword would you find the idiom raining cats and dogs?

Has it ever rained cats and dogs?

No, the phrase "raining cats and dogs" is an idiom that means raining heavily. It has never happened literally.

What is a rain hyperbole?

Its raining cats and dogs!

What mythology can you found the idiomatic expression its raining cats and dogs?

It is raining heavily