The word space is both a noun (space, spaces) and a verb (space, spaces, spacing, spaced).
Noun: The space for the new office will be ready by Monday.
Verb: We space our vacations to allow time to save for them.
The noun space can be used as a noun, noun adjunct, or adjective (e.g. space mission, space food).
It has the related adjective spatial.
The verb to space forms an adjective with its past participle, spaced, and less frequently with the present participle, spacing (its use may be considered a noun adjunct).
The word space is both a noun (space, spaces) and a verb (space, spaces, spacing, spaced).
The space for the new office will be ready by Monday. (noun)
We space our vacations to allow time to save for them. (verb)
When the word 'space' is used to describe a noun, such as 'space station' or 'space ship', the word 'space' is a noun called an attributive noun (or noun adjunct), a noun used to describe another noun.
A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.
Example: The space for the new office will be ready by Monday. It is larger than our current office.
The pronoun 'it' takes the place of the noun 'space' in the second sentence.
An adjective cannot be the direct object of a noun or pronoun.
Your is a possessive pronoun. It is an adjective when used with a noun. (The word yours is a pronoun rather than an adjective.)
no. he is a pronoun. an adjective would have to be able to describe a noun or pronoun. He can't do that.
The word 'this' is a pronoun, an adjective, and an adverb.Examples:This is mother's favorite movie. (demonstrative pronoun)This movie is mother's favorite. (adjective)I love you this much! (adverb)Note: The pronoun 'this' takes the place of a noun. The adjective 'this' is placed before a noun to describe that noun.
An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun by describing, identifying, or quantifying words. An adjective usually precedes the noun or the pronoun which it modifies.
An adjective cannot be the direct object of a noun or pronoun.
The noun is creatures.The pronoun is what (an interrogative pronoun).The adjective is these (describing the noun creatures).
Adjective describes a noun or pronoun. It modifies the noun and pronoun.
Adjective and noun
The adjective is "northern," describing the noun "Europe." The pronoun in the sentence is "it."
A word is a pronoun when it replaces a noun in a sentence, acting as a substitute for it (e.g., he, she, they). An adjective, on the other hand, is a descriptive word that provides more information about a noun or pronoun (e.g., beautiful, tall).
It is both a pronoun and a adjective.
no. he is a pronoun. an adjective would have to be able to describe a noun or pronoun. He can't do that.
No, the word "this" is not a noun. It is a demonstrative pronoun used to indicate something specific or near in time or space.
Your is a possessive pronoun. It is an adjective when used with a noun. (The word yours is a pronoun rather than an adjective.)
no. he is a pronoun. an adjective would have to be able to describe a noun or pronoun. He can't do that.
It is a noun.