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Yes, the word 'slippers' is a noun, the plural form of the noun 'slipper'; a word for a type of footwear; a word for a thing (things).

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Q: Is slippers a noun
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Related questions

Is slippers a plural noun?

Yes the word slippers is a plural noun. The singular noun is slipper.

Are the words ruby slippers a proper noun or a common noun?

The words 'ruby slippers' is a noun phrase, made up of the common noun 'slippers' described by the adjective 'ruby'.

What is the adjective for slipper?

The noun slipper does not have an adjective: you would use the noun as a noun adjunct.*The word slippers (slip-on shoes) is not directly related to the adjective slippery.

What is 'silver slippers' in French?

'Souliers d'argent' is a French equivalent of 'silver slippers'.The masculine noun 'souliers' means 'shoes, slippers'. Its definite article is 'les' ['the'], and its indefinite article is 'des' ['some']. The preposition 'de' means 'of, from'. The masculine noun 'argent' means 'silver'.All together, they're pronounced 'soo-lyeh dahr-zhaw'.

What is slippers in Spanish?

'Zapatillas de plata' is a Spanish equivalent of 'silver slippers'.The feminine noun 'zapatillas' means 'slippers'. Its plural definite article is 'las' ['the'], and its plural indefinite 'unas' ['some']. The preposition 'de'means 'of, from'. The feminine noun 'plata' means 'silver'. Its singular definite article is 'la' ['the'], and its singular indefinite 'una' ['a, one'].All together, they're pronounced 'sah-pah-TEE-yas theh PLAH-tah'.

What is 'silver slippers' in Spanish?

'Zapatillas de plata' is a Spanish equivalent of 'silver slippers'.The feminine noun 'zapatillas' means 'slippers'. Its plural definite article is 'las' ['the'], and its plural indefinite 'unas' ['some']. The preposition 'de'means 'of, from'. The feminine noun 'plata' means 'silver'. Its singular definite article is 'la' ['the'], and its singular indefinite 'una' ['a, one'].All together, they're pronounced 'sah-pah-TEE-yas theh PLAH-tah'.

What is 'silver slippers' in Italian?

'Scarpette d'argento' is an Italian equivalent of 'silver slippers'.The feminine noun 'scarpette' means 'shoes, slippers. Its plural definite article is 'le' ['the'], and its plural indefinite article is 'delle' ['some']. The preposition 'di' means 'of, from'. The masculine noun 'argento'means 'silver'. Its singular definite article is 'il'['the'], and its singular indefinite article 'un, uno' ['a, one'].All together, they're pronounced 'skahr-PEHT-teh dahr-DJEHN-toh'.

What is the color of Dorothy's slippers?

In the movie, red ruby slippers. In the books, silver slippers.

Why was nathanael greene named after slippers?

=There was slippers named Nathanael slippers and his mom had some=

What is 'silver slippers' in Portuguese?

'Sapatinhos prateados' is a Portuguese equivalent of 'silver slippers'.The masculine noun 'sapatinhos' means 'slippers'. Its plural definite article is 'os' ['the'], and its plural indefinite article 'uns' ['some']. The masculine adjective 'prateados' means 'silver'.Together, they're pronounced 'suh-puh-TCHEE-nyoo-shpruh-TCHYAH-doosh'.

Where are slippers from?

Slippers where made in .... I don't know!

When did Alvin slippers invent slippers?