Seeking is a verb. It is something you do, or the act of looking for something.
Yes, "progressed" is an adjective. It can also be used as a verb.
The likely word is the adjective adventurous (thrill seeking, bold).(The noun adventurist is seldom used compared to adventurer.)
No, it is a verb or a noun (to go around, to surround; a round shape). The adjective form is circular.
It is an adjective.It is a an adjective.
No, it is an adverb. The adjective is clumsy.
It can be: seeking - adj : trying to obtain; "profit-seeking producers"
Yes, "seeking" is a verb in this context. It is the present participle form of the verb "seek," which means to look for or search for something. An adverb modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb, but "seeking" itself is not an adverb.
Yes, "progressed" is an adjective. It can also be used as a verb.
Quantus is a Latin adjective (masculine) for how much or how many. It is not a unit of measure. It is perhaps an interrogative seeking measurement.
The likely word is the adjective adventurous (thrill seeking, bold).(The noun adventurist is seldom used compared to adventurer.)
Yes, consulting can act as both a verb and a noun. As a verb, it refers to giving advice or seeking expertise. For example, "She is consulting with an expert on the project."
The adjective straight means uncurved, unbent, or direct.The sound-alike word is the noun strait (a water channel).
Yes, I am still seeking employment. It is just fascinating to observe flamingoes seeking food.
Examples of nouns that are synonyms of the noun 'sun' are:starbrilliancedaylightilluminationluminosityradiance
what is health seeking behiv our
goal-seeking analysis
Yes like "He did that well while she did that badly."