noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo b****es
Concrete. (You can see it, feel it, bite it!)
The noun 'cafeteria' is a concrete noun as a word for a physical place.
The noun 'Philadelphia' is a concrete noun, a word for a physical place.
Concrete. (But few bathtubs are made out of concrete.)
its a concr
Concrete. (You can see it, feel it, bite it!)
The noun 'cafeteria' is a concrete noun as a word for a physical place.
Door to success is an abstract noun. It depends
The noun 'Philadelphia' is a concrete noun, a word for a physical place.
Concrete. (But few bathtubs are made out of concrete.)
The noun 'oranges' is the plural form for the noun orange, a common, concrete noun; a word for a thing.
its a concr
Yes. A cow (female bovine animal) is a concrete noun.
The noun 'kind' is an abstract noun. There is no form for kind that is a concrete noun.
There is no concrete noun for the abstract noun 'education'. The noun 'education' is a word for a concept; an idea.
Concrete noun
Yes, binders is a concrete noun.