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Q: Is mad the antonym for happy or is sad the antonym for happy?
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What is an antonym of the word happy?

Sad is an antonym of happy.

What is the antonym of sad?


Select the antonym of sad?


What are some examples of Antonym in sentences?

sad is an antonym of happy

What sentence includes an antonym?

The antonym of happy is sad. The antonym of secular is religious.

What is the opppsite of happy?

Sad is the opposite of happy emotion. It is a feeling of not happy and is the antonym of the former.

What antonym starts with letter h?

hard is the antonym of easy happy is the antonym of sad

What is the antonym for sorrowful?

the oppisite of sad which is happy! :)

What is a grasshopper's behavior like when it is mad sad or happy?

Insects do not have these feelings as humans do. Insects go by instinct. They do not get happy, sad or mad.

Can you use the word antonym in a sentence?

Yes. Like this: "The antonym of happy is sad."

Can you please give me a sentence with the word antonym?

"Sad is an antonym for the word happy."