Aim can be a noun or a verb.VERB: I will aim my arrow at the target.NOUN: My aim is to become a science teacher.In general, if you can put the word "to" in front of a word, it can be used as a verb; for example: to aim, to run, to walk, etc. A noun is a word for a person, a place, or a thing; the noun 'aim' is a thing.
The noun 'aim' is a singular, common noun; a word for a thing. The noun 'aim' is an abstract noun as a word for a purpose, intention, or desired outcome. The noun 'aim' is a concrete noun as a word for a physical act of directing of a weapon or an object at a target; a physical act of directing a camera at a person or thing. The word 'aim' is also a verb: aim, aims, aiming, aimed.
Custom program Aim and draw have in common
try, labour, attempt, aim, struggle, venture, strive, aspire
A mission statement expresses the aim of a group or party.
AIM bots are automatic AIM Buddy's that can have polls, games, news, etc.
An Aim Name Is A Name That Names Your Aim User is were you get an aim at!!!yahoooo lol
Aim of communication is to inform, to educate and to entertain. It is also aim of Mass Communication.
My aim is Lexigrl2009!!
no it doesnt
mariahcrocks mi aim is freashgirlnya tex me on aim and i will give u other celebrity aim's
My aim name is Sawzigg My aim name is Sawzigg
the fastest way to aim is, go to:
her aim is lovericARLY
its "cute is what we aim for"
She doesn't have AIM.
The aim of golfis to be pro as