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The heart as an organ, an anatomical feature, is a concrete noun.

The "heart" to mean emotional feelings (e.g. choosing the heart over the mind) would be an abstract noun.

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Q: Is heart in abstract noun
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Is heart a verb or noun?

The word heart is a noun, a singular, common noun. The noun heart can be concrete or abstract, depending on use; for example: Concrete noun: The doctor uses a stethoscope to listen to your heart. Abstract noun: We need to talk about it until we get to the heart of the matter.

What word is a noun form for heart?

The word heart is a noun; it's both a concrete and an abstract noun, depending on the kind of heart.

Combination of abstract to concrete noun?

Examples of abstract, concrete noun combinations:Statue of Liberty (statue is a concrete noun; liberty of an abstract noun)science building (science is an abstract noun; building is a concrete noun)bargain basement (bargain is an abstract noun; basement is a concrete noun)the noun 'air' is a concrete noun as a word for the substance that surrounds the earth; the noun 'air' is an abstract noun as a word for the ambiance of a place.the noun 'heart' is a concrete noun as a word for an organ of the body; the noun 'heart' is an abstract noun as a word for the essence of something.the noun 'edge' is a concrete noun as a word for the sharp side of a blade; the noun 'edge' is an abstract noun as a word for an advantage.

How do you turn concrete to abstract nouns?

You can't change a concrete noun into an abstract noun, but you can use a concrete noun in an abstract context. Example:A highway is a concrete noun unless it's the highway to heaven.A heart is a concrete noun, part of the body or a shape like a valentine but when we say 'our heart is broken', we don't mean the body organ or something shaped like a heart, we mean the heart of our feelings, an abstract concept.

Is the symbol heart an abstract or concrete noun?

A 'heart symbol' is a concrete noun, a thing that can be seen or touched.

How do you change nouns to abstract nouns?

A concrete noun becomes an abstract noun by the way the noun is used. For example: A highway is a concrete noun unless it's the highway to heaven. A heart is a concrete noun, part of the body or a shape like a valentine but when we say 'our heart is broken', we don't mean the body organ or something shaped like a heart, we mean the heart of our feelings, an abstract concept.

What does abstract heart do?

The abstract use for the noun heart is a word for the vital center and source of one's being, emotions, and sensibilities; capacity for sympathy or generosity; compassion; courage; resolution; fortitude; the most important or essential part of something. The abstract use for the noun heart doesn't do anything, it is something that is.

Is heart a noun?

Yes, the word heart is a noun, a singular, common noun; a concrete noun as a word for an organ of the body; an abstract noun as a word for the central, most important part or the center of a person's thoughts and emotions. The noun heart is a word for a thing.

What noun is for heart?

The noun 'heart' is a singular, common noun. The noun 'heart' is a concrete noun as a word for a hollow muscular organ of vertebrates that expands and contracts to move blood throughout the body; something resembling a heart in shape. The noun 'heart' is an abstract noun as a word for the central or most important part (the heart of the forest, the heart of the matter); human feelings (a killer with no heart).

Is heart noun?

Yes, the word heart is a noun, a singular, common noun; a concrete noun as a word for an organ of the body; an abstract noun as a word for the central, most important part or the center of a person's thoughts and emotions. The noun heart is a word for a thing.

Is heart an abstract or concrete noun?

The noun 'soul' is an abstract noun as a word for the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal; a word for the qualities that are typical of something and make it special. The noun 'soul' is a concrete noun as a word used to refer to a person.

Is astonishment an abstract noun?

Yes, the noun astonishment is an abstract noun, a word for an emotional reaction.