No, the noun 'mafia' is a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for an organized secret crimial group; a proper noun as the name of a specific group.
The noun 'family' is an abstract noun as a word for the relationship of a group of people or things; a word for a concept.The noun 'family' is a concrete noun as a word for specific people or things grouped together; a word for physical people or things.
The noun 'generation' is an abstract noun as a word for a period of time; a word for the production of something; a word for a concept.The noun 'generation' is a concrete noun as a word for a specific group of people or things.
The noun 'parliament' is an abstract noun as a word for the highest legislative authority of a country, which has the power to enact laws.The noun 'parliament' is a concrete noun as a word for the group of people who make or change the laws of the country.
The noun 'party' is an abstract noun as a word for a celebration or social gathering; a word for a political organization.The noun 'party' is a concrete noun as a word for an individual person or a group of people together for a purpose.
The noun group is a singular, common noun. The noun group can be used as a concrete or an abstract noun; the noun group can be used as a collective noun. Concrete, collective: a group of people, a group of furniture. Abstract, collective: a group of opinions, a group of principles.
Yes, the noun 'kind' is an abstract noun as a word for a word for a group united by common traits.
The abstract noun form for the adjective wealthy is wealthiness.The word wealthy is also an abstract noun, a word for rich people considered as a group.
The noun 'committee' is a concrete noun, a word for a group of people.
The noun 'leadership' is an abstract noun, a word for a capacity or ability to lead, guidance; a position as head of a group; a word for a concept.
No, "jury" is not an abstract noun. Abstract nouns refer to concepts, ideas, or emotions that cannot be experienced through the physical senses. "Jury" refers to a group of people selected to hear and decide the facts in a legal case.
The noun 'class' is a concrete noun as a word for a physical group of people.The noun 'class' is an abstract noun as a word for things belonging together based on common attributes, qualities, or traits; a given group in society.
The noun 'class' is a concrete noun as a word for a physical group of people.The noun 'class' is an abstract noun as a word for things belonging together based on common attributes, qualities, or traits; a given group in society.
No, the noun 'orchestra' is a concrete noun; a word for a group of people (with instruments) that can be seen and heard; a word for a physical group.
No, the noun 'crew' is a concretenoun, a word for a physical group of people.
The noun 'class' is a concrete noun as a word for a physical group of people.The noun 'class' is an abstract noun as a word for things belonging together based on common attributes, qualities, or traits; a given group in society.
The noun 'committee' is a concrete noun, a word for a physical group of people.