The past participle of to do is done, which can be used as an adjective. A related adjective id doable.
Synonyms: achievable, attainable, doable, feasible, practicable, realizable, possible, workableAntonyms: hopeless, impossible, impracticable, infeasible, nonviable, unattainable, undoable, unfeasible, unrealizable, unviable, unworkable
Auxiliary verbs are doable words that support action verbs. The following are examples of auxiliary verbs: is, am, do, does, has or have. An example in a sentence is the following: The bird is chirping loudly, Mary has completed the writing assignment; Jim does own a bicycle.
No,it is not a real word dove is a word but doved is not a word.
"Word for word" means copied exactly. If you repeat something word for word, you repeat everything perfectly.
The plans were doable. The plans were outrageous and not doable.
It isn't easy but it is quite doable.
possible, doable
The word "doable" means that something can be done. For example, in the sentence "I don't know if it will be easy, but it is doable", we can gather that it is generally used to convey that a task is at the very least possible.
This execrable word is a recent American fabrication, of no use whatsoever given there are perfectly proper English words available such as achievable, and as such is a "word" which should be avoided at all cost.
Capable of being done.
adj. Possible to do. adj. Possible to do.