Subject Demolish Object Hitler demolished the Jewish Population. She demolished your sexual life.
ruined destroyed damaged demolished
No, it is a verb or a noun (to go around, to surround; a round shape). The adjective form is circular.
It is an adjective.It is a an adjective.
No, it is an adverb. The adjective is clumsy.
Demolished is a verb (past tense of demolish) and an adjective (a demolished building).
Some examples are: I have demolished my house. I have demolished this toy.
The Demolished Man was created in 1953.
The crane demolished the building.
The Demolished Man has 250 pages.
Guerriere ship was almost demolished by the Constitution!
Demolished Thoughts was created on 2011-05-24.
it wasclosed in october 12 2005 it was demolished in novber 2005
Demolished means to completely destroy or tear down a building or structure.
The stadium started being demolished in February 2010.
Rostrata was closed as a hospital in 1962. It was converted into flats, and demolished in 1973.
Subject Demolish Object Hitler demolished the Jewish Population. She demolished your sexual life.