either or but prefer in
No, it is a verb or a noun (to go around, to surround; a round shape). The adjective form is circular.
It is an adjective.It is a an adjective.
No, it is an adverb. The adjective is clumsy.
It can be. "Ideal" is an adjective and a noun.
either or but prefer in
This test is a culminating experience in your academic life.
Possible answers: leading up to, finally arriving at (both for "culminating in")
CULMINATING* To reach the highest point or degree.* To come to completion.
The intense training program culminated in a successful marathon finish for the athlete.
concluding culminating summarizing
Culminating Performace Task are collectively learning/performance task addressed and developed through standards. Culminating Activity/Project is a summative assessment that covers all of the learning objectives/standards in one project as compare to individual tasks that may be address throughout that year that formally assess students learning throughout a unit. Culminating Performance Task gives an overview of what learning the child has develop and is evidence of student learningthroughout the unit presented.
Overheating may result, culminating in a stroke.
"Holy Week" is an English equivalent of the Armenian phrase "Avak Shapat."Specifically, the adjective "avak" means "holy." The noun "shapat" means "week." The term refers to the seven days beginning with the Monday immediately following Palm Sunday and culminating in Easter.
By wining races culminating in winnig gold in the sydne 2000 Olympics
Which one? There were several, culminating in the various Wars of Greek Independence and Unification.
A series of uprisings leading to an 1811 Declaration, then Wars, of Independence, culminating in Independence in 1823.