no it is not an one word it is of two word
I think the word "ongoing" is only one word, but it has two syllables that are two separate words.
It is one word.
one word
Toenail is one word.
One might go to purchase a silver candlestick at Candle Shops. One might go to purchase a silver candlestick at Walmart and TJ Max. One might go to buy a candlestick at Martins.
Candlestick has three syllables: CAN dle stick. Typical stress in English, three-syllable words is on the antepenultimate syllable (the third syllable from the end). In Candlestick, the antepenultimate syllable is the first one. Ultimate syllable is stick, penultimate is dle and antepenultimate is can.
One can find free candlestick patterns online at a website called Swing Trade Stocks which has a free eBook that features 10 pages of candlestick patterns.
Amazon have a retro style black candlestick phone for sale at present, and one can also purchase these phones from Candlestick & Bakelite who have actual vintage phones from the 1920s.
Jack jumped over the candlestick.
The Croix de Candlestick was a promotional item given to fans who stayed until the end of extra-inning night games at Candlestick Park. A total of 52 baseball games qualified for the Croix de Candlestick during the time it was offered at the stadium.
Candlestick Park was created in 1960.
There is always a butcher, a baker and sometimes even a Candlestick maker.
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jumped over the candlestick.
Candeliere is the Italian equivalent of 'candlestick'. It's a masculine gender noun. It's pronounced 'kahn-day*-lee-ay*-ray*. The Italian word for 'candle' is the feminine gender noun 'bugia'.*The soun 'ay' is similar to the 'ay' sound in the English word 'ray'.
no it is not an one word it is of two word