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Breathtaking is one word, sometimes it is written as breath-taking

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Q: Is breath taking one word
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How do you spell astounding?

breathtaking as one word.

A word for a amazing scenery?

Breath taking

What is the french word for the English word breath taking?

"à couper le souffle"

What rhymes with death that isn't names?

Breath is one word that rhymes with death.Another word is meth.

Is breathtaking one word?

Yes. It is a compound word used to mean inspiring awe. It comes from "taking a breath" - the subconscious intake of air that often accompanies seeing something magnificently grand or beautiful.

How do you say 78945613123654789874656321?

One would say this only after taking a deep breath.

Can not taking your iron cause shortness of breath if you're anemic?

Shortness of breath is one of the main symptoms of anaemia. So, in short, yes it can.

Where can one find breath taking mountain view images?

One can find images of breath taking mountain views in a variety of places online. Some hiking areas have tourism pages that feature pictures like that. People sometimes post these kinds of pictures to Facebook as well.

What is another word for gasp meaning sharply drawn breath?

One word for gasp is exclamation. Another one could be wheeze.

What is the abstract noun of breathe?

The noun 'breath' is a concrete or abstract noun depending on context of use.The noun 'breath' is a concrete noun as a word for the physical action of taking air into the lungs; a word for the air taken into the lungs.The noun 'breath' is an abstract noun as a word for a suggestion or slight indication of something; a word for a concept.

What does asemrowende mean?

breath taking - in Afrikaans

What is a synonym for mesmerizing?

suprising, breath-taking.