The noun 'birthdays' is the plural form of the noun 'birthday'.
The noun 'birthdays' (and 'birthday') is an abstract noun, a word for specific times (or a time) in a person's life. Any word for time is an abstract noun. Time is a concept with no physical form.
There is no abstract noun for the plural noun 'women', a concrete noun as a word for people.The abstract noun form of the singular noun 'woman' is womanliness.
The noun continents is a concretenoun, the plural form of the singular noun continent; a word for a physical mass of land.
The plural form of apprentice is apprentices.
No, the noun 'soloists' (the plural form of soloist) is a concrete noun as a word for people.
The noun 'peanuts', the plural form for peanut, is a concrete noun; a word for something that can be touched, smelled, and tasted, a word for a physical thing.
The abstract noun form of the concrete noun 'women' is womanhood.
There is no abstract noun for the plural noun 'women', a concrete noun as a word for people.The abstract noun form of the singular noun 'woman' is womanliness.
No, the plural noun 'children' is a concrete noun, a word for physical people.
The noun 'freedoms' (the plural form of the noun freedom) is an abstract noun as a word for a state of being; a word for a concept.
The plural noun 'paintings' is a concrete noun as a word for pieces of artwork; a word for physical objects.
The noun continents is a concretenoun, the plural form of the singular noun continent; a word for a physical mass of land.
The plural noun "values" meaning moral or ethical principles is an abstract noun, not a concrete noun. Number values are mathematical concepts that can describe both abstract and concrete nouns.
The plural form of apprentice is apprentices.
No, the noun 'soloists' (the plural form of soloist) is a concrete noun as a word for people.
The noun 'similarities' is an abstract noun, a word for qualities of resemblance, a word for a concept. The noun similarities is the plural form of the noun similarity.
Yes, the plural noun 'answers' is an abstract noun, a word for a concept. The words that comprise an answer are concrete nouns but the fact that the words are an answer is an idea.
Concrete noun