Yes, you can use the exclamation mark after the word good. It is used in various sentences of appreciation.
OMG is Oh my god!!!! so yes it is a bad word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG.....LOL!
The word 'excellent' is an adjective, a word that describes a noun as the highest or finest quality; exceptionally good; for example an excellent reference, an excellentbook.The word 'excellent' is also an exclamation, a word to express approval or pleasure. The exclamation is usually followed by an exclamation point: Excellent!
No, OMG is an abbreviation or an initialism. An acronym is spoken as a word, not just initials.
An exclamation mark is used to express strong feelings or a high volume.
Oh my god, its slang, not a real word, it's a slang acronym. As slang, it's used as an exclamation.
The word exclamation has four syllables.
An exclamation mark comes at the end of a sentence, and you generally do not begin a new sentence with the word and, so in general you will not have the word and after an exclamation mark.
"OMG" stands for "Oh My God"
The root word for "exclamation" is "exclaim," which comes from the Latin word "exclamare" meaning to cry out or shout loudly.
When i use force in a sentence i end it with a exclamation mark.
If there is an exclamation point or question mark within a sentence, the immediately following word is not automatically capitalized. It can be, however, but that would have to depend on the context.
Yes, you can use the exclamation mark after the word good. It is used in various sentences of appreciation.
OMG is Oh my god!!!! so yes it is a bad word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG.....LOL!
The word 'excellent' is an adjective, a word that describes a noun as the highest or finest quality; exceptionally good; for example an excellent reference, an excellentbook.The word 'excellent' is also an exclamation, a word to express approval or pleasure. The exclamation is usually followed by an exclamation point: Excellent!
The word 'excellent' is an adjective, a word that describes a noun as the highest or finest quality; exceptionally good; for example an excellent reference, an excellentbook.The word 'excellent' is also an exclamation, a word to express approval or pleasure. The exclamation is usually followed by an exclamation point: Excellent!