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The correct spelling is "gigabyte".

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Q: Is GB spelled gigabyte or gigabite?
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How many GB are 1312.754 MB?

1 gigabite (1,000 MB = 1GB)

How many gigabite makes one terabite?

1 terabyte is 1024 gigabyte.

1 terabite is how many gigabite?

1 terabyte = 1000 gigabytes (gigabytes not gigabites) actually it's 1 terabyte = 1024 gigabytes

How many kigabites are in one gigabite?

I presume you're asking "How many kilobytes in a gigabyte?"There are approximately 1 million kilobytes in a gigabyte.

Which gigabite is good for an iPod touch?

which is more important -storage 16gb -price 8 gb dughuy

How many songs are in a gigabite?

It depends on the size of the songs. If the average size of the songs is 3 megabytes, then a gigabyte could potentially hold 341.

How much gigabite does the wii have?

Sadly the Nintendo Wii doesn't even have a single gigabyte of storage space. It has a half gig (512 Megabytes) of internal flash memory :(

If you had a choice of a 2 gigabite memory stick and the new patapon 2 game what would you choose?

I'll go with the 2 GB memory stick, cos i can download the patapon 2 game in the 2 GB memory stick :). besides without the memory you cant save the game

How much is 1000 gigabytes equal to?

1TB or terabyte and its actually 1024GB is equal to 1TB

What is the enharmonic tone of Gb?

The enharmonic tone of Gb is F#. These notes are considered enharmonic equivalents because they sound the same pitch but are spelled differently.

Do memory mini cards cost more than writable CDs per gigabite of storage?

Yes. CD's come 25 -100 to a pack for 15 dollars a mini card is 10 dollars for 2 GB

How much gigabite do you lose if you download a song on the iPod Nano?

An average song uses between 3 and 5 MB (megabytes) depending on the length of the song and the amount of compression used. Roughly 250 songs = 1 Gigabyte.