The female name is normally spelled "Amelia", as in 20th Century aviatrix Amelia Earhart.
The word is spelled pressurize, just as you spelled it.
Both are correct (according to Collins English dictionary). Examples... This it the way the word is spelt. The word is spelled this way.
The correct way to say that would be my last name is spelled.
The word is spelled criticize, just as you spelled it.
Is deers spelled correct? NoIs deer's spelled correct? yesAre dears spelled correct? Yes
The female name is normally spelled "Amelia", as in 20th Century aviatrix Amelia Earhart.
The word is spelled pressurize, just as you spelled it.
The name 'Amelia' is spelt asアメリア (ameria) in Japanese.
No the way you have spelled it is correct. Germany.
Yes, Kenesha is spelled right
Yes, you have it spelled correct. Wearisome.
Both are correct (according to Collins English dictionary). Examples... This it the way the word is spelt. The word is spelled this way.
Yes, volcano is correct.
Yes, include is correct.
Yes, nationality is correct.