a story map is a map of characters, main idea, the plot, setting, and questions. You would usually use a story map if you just got a book and before you read it you make a story map, and throughout that book you could fill in the bubbles, blocks, squares, etc.
hm... yes its called using your resources AND USING THE BOOK!! -your teacher
The synonym for a physical map is map and or atlas
When the picture of the world is put on to a flat piece of paper, the longitudes and latitude need to be stretched out a little bit. So sometimes the antarctic can seem bigger on some other maps.
The most accurate map is the best map.
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I recently solved the case. Unless someone has already found it, it is on the Indonesian island of Krakatoa. the map reads as follows. ( lowercase is added in for grammar.)MY TREASURE IS BURIED IN the NWcorner OF THE ISLAND NEAR THE OLD LAVA FLOW. WALK TWENTY PACES NW FROM THE BLACKENED TREE. THE CHEST IS NINE FEET BELOW. ADAD stands for Arabella Drummond. Read the book pirateology!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this book is by carolyn keene and she is dead
The Quest of the Missing Map was created in 1942.
This is a Old World Map. Made in the 17th century. Well produced in the 17th century. There are 7 continents but on this map one is missing and the one missing is Antarctica to see for yourself look on WIKIPEDIA.com And search 1689 Old World Map.
In the climax of "Nancy Drew and the Quest of the Missing Map," Nancy outwits the criminals and recovers the missing map, crucial to solving the mystery. With the help of her friends, she uncovers the truth behind the missing map and foils the villains' plans, bringing justice to the situation. Nancy's quick thinking and clever detective skills prevail, leading to a satisfying resolution to the adventure.
if you are on poptroica skulduggery you need to light the lanterns in this order 4,2,1 and then the map piece will come out of the arch
a map of the world is a map that shows every country and every piece of land and its what i have
It isnt on the map
You can find the map piece on William shakespeare grave next to the stage