il fait chaud - it's hot (weather)
llama , llano (praire in South America). aardvark, aardwolf, eel, , eel-basket, eel-grass, eel-pie, eelpot, eelpout, eel-skin, eel-trap, eel-worm, eely, eenie, eerie, eeriness, mm, oodles, oof, oofish, oogenesis, oogonium, ooh, oolite, oolitic, oogony, oolong, oom, oomiak, oompah, oomph, oophorectomy, oophoron, oops, oops-a-daisy, oorali, oosperm, oospore, ooze, oozy
eels is the plural form
Eal is not a word, unless it's a name. If you mean the animal that looks similar to a snake, that is spelled eel. Deal, feel, heel, kneel, peel, real, reel, seal, steal, teal, veal, we'll, zeal, unreal, congeal, reveal, repeal,
CORRECTED: Il sera amusant [eel sair-ah ah-moo-szahnt]Love to run
I'm not sure what you mean. If you are saying is the giant eel like thing an eel, then yes. If not please post a more detailed question
ORDER: Anguilliformes (eels and morays) CLASS: Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)
If you mean an 'eel' then no - eels belong to the fish family.
Egg then leptoceplalus then glass eel then elvers yellow eel then silver eel then spawning . and that is for fresh water eel.?
Egg then leptoceplalus then glass eel then elvers yellow eel then silver eel then spawning . and that is for fresh water eel.?
It is a catfish and carp. It is not an eel.
Tenille is Russian for jacket (pronounced Ten-eel
Fish + Lightning = Eel
best friends to inter with no light to touch you in a loud oily eel
An eel is a fish.