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The noun form of the adjective enthusiastic is enthusiasm.

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Q: How would you change enthusiastic into an abstract noun?
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What is the abstract noun for the word enthusiastically?

The word 'enthusiastically' is the adverb form of the adjective 'enthusiastic'.The abstract noun related to the adjective 'enthusiastic' is enthusiasm.

What is the abstract noun for the adjective enthusiastic?

The abstract noun related to the adjective enthusiastic is is enthusiasm.

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What is the abstract noun for enthusiastic?

The abstract noun form is enthusiasm.

Is enthusiasm an abstract noun?

No, the word enthusiastic is an adjective, a word that describes a noun: an enthusiastic student.The abstract noun form is enthusiasm.

How do you change innocent into abstract noun?

To change "innocent" into an abstract noun, you would use "innocence."

How do you change glue to an abstract noun?

The abstract noun would be the noun form of the comparative adjective gluey, which is gluiness (stickiness).

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In this case you would say more willing (comparative) and most willing (superlative).

How do you change infant to an abstract noun?

The abstract noun is infancy.

What is the adjective for enthuse?

There is no concrete noun form for the verb 'enthuse'.The noun form of the verb to enthuse is enthusiasm, an abstract noun; a word for a strong feeling of active interest in something; a word for an emotion.

What abstract noun does hard change into?

The abstract noun for the adjective hard is hardness.

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The abstract noun form of the concrete noun pirate is piracy.