Well, if the person is like me, then they can't pay attention very easily and it takes a lot of effort to pay attention for a short period of time. If they can't sit still at all (Like me) then they may have ADHD. Describing them? I would describe them not as weak minded, but definitely they have a vivid imagination. I've noticed that people who have trouble paying attention usually have a very vivid imagination.
Hope this helped!
~ The Mystery Helper
Easily distracted
Agility is the word used to describe someone who can move quickly and easily. An example is a personal trainer or a professional wrestler.
sympathetic, attentive, supportive, patient, responsive
This phrase was developed to describe someone who is not easily fooled or deceived. The origins are not clear.
I Was Trying to Describe You to Someone was created on 2010-02-23.
easily distracted..or sumthin' like that.
"Tickle-brained" is a term coined by William Shakespeare in his play "Troilus and Cressida" to describe someone as being whimsical, imaginative, or flighty in their thinking. It suggests that the person's mind is easily amused or distracted.
Simba the lion is very easily distracted as a baby. However, when he is older he is very focused.
Easily distracted
They can be. The only difference between someone with ADD (attention deficit disorder) and someone without that condition is that the person with ADD may get distracted more easily. Smartness has nothing to do with it.
They are easily distracted by what goes on outside.
They dont get distracted as easily
it depends on the student. if the student is easily distracted or a slacker, then yes, they will be distracted. if they are a hard worker, they're less likely to be distracted.
If someone gets easily distracted from doing so many different things all at one time
Sensitive to criticism, easily distracted,, materialistic, that's about it
Getting distracted easily means that you have difficulties maintaining focus on a task or activity, resulting in your attention being drawn to unrelated thoughts or stimuli. It can impact productivity and inhibit your ability to complete tasks efficiently.
We are very much like horeses. We need blinders or else we are easily distracted. Once we are very well focused on one thing and another comes up our brains automaticly notice it causeing you to get DISTRACTED.