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Q: How many syllables in yourself?
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Two yoor-SELF

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Two. Clap it out and see for yourself.

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There are three syllables in hideous, but you could have worked that out for yourself, there are websites that do it for you. I use my fingers i find that easy.

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Say it out loud, slowly to yourself, and write down the separate sounds. You'll find that there are 4 syllables in the word.

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There are two syllables in the word tiring. 'Tir' and 'ring'. To work this out yourself, try to say the word very slowly, and count how many movements your mouth has to make. That can be a good guide as to how many syllables you're making.

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Now A Simple Way To Teach Yourself How To Figure Out How Many Syllables A Word Has You Can Clap Your Hands And Count Like So Lis-e-ners . Pretty Simple So As You Can See The Word Listeners Has 3 Syllables. I Hope I Helped :)

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Work it out for yourself! There's only one syllable!!

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There are 3 syllables in symphony:sym/pho/ny

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there are 2 syllables in stomach. To see why, search 'How many syllables in attack?'

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There are 14 syllables.

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There are two syllables in "wistfully."