There are two syllables.
It has 2 syllables (Al/ways)
Two: Al-Ways
there are 2 syllables in stomach. To see why, search 'How many syllables in attack?'
4 syllables am- phi- bi- an
There are two syllables.
It has 2 syllables (Al/ways)
It has 4 syllables. If you have questions about the syllables of any other word, check a dictionary, they will always have the syllables. 
The phrase 'you should always be true' has six syllables: you-should-al-ways-be-true.
Yes, always is two syllables.
Two: Al-Ways
There are 6 syllables. Al-ways - makes - you - hun-gry.
The word "always" comprises two sounds: /ɔː/ and /weɪ/, making a total of two syllables.
Flies has one syllables, as does tries, lies, dies, and supercalafradgealisticexpealadotios has fourteen. Thanks for reading! (I will always put this if this was answered by Me!)
It has one syllable. BTW if you want to know how many syllables are in a word or if you want to check than you can always look the word up in a dictionary-- it will separate the word into a certain number of syllables, for example: a-non-y-mous as in four syllables
I've always been taught and led to believe that the word peddler is a two-syllable word.