The word forbade has two syllables. The syllables in the word are for-bade.
The word call has one syllable.
The word "There" has one syllable.
There is 1 syllable in "changed."
There are three syllables in the word 'happiness'.
There are three syllables in the word "syllable."
The word forbade has two syllables. The syllables in the word are for-bade.
Man-y. There are 2 syllables in that word.
these has 1 syllable
One syllable.
The word call has one syllable.
Our has but one syllable.
The word "There" has one syllable.
There is one syllable in "its" The full form "it is" has two syllables.
The word not has one syllable.
The word such has one syllable.
The word where has one syllable.