May has one syllable.
There is only 1 syllable in "strain."
Draught only has one syllable.
There is only one (1) syllable in the word do.
The word plant has one syllable. This means that there is no syllable divide for this word.
"Its" has one syllable.
If you are referring to the evacuation from Dunkirk in 1940, the total number was around 338,000.
one syllable
There is 1 syllable.
In the word "the", there is one syllable.
it has one syllable
There is 1 syllable
There is 1 syllable.
The word "to" has one syllable.
one syllable--and syllable is missing an "s". You should say "How many syllables is winked?"
Mean has only 1 syllable.
One syllable