about 30,000
The Second Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary contains full entries for 171,476 words in current use, and 47,156 obsolete words.
It really depends on the dictionary. Some include more words than others.
Such an alphabetical list of English words can be found in a "Dictionary" - with new words being added as a word gains popular usage.
The Oxford English Language Dictionary lists about 500,000 words and it is estimated that there are a further 500,000 scientific and technical terms that have not been catalogued.Given that the letter 'e' is the most commonly used letter in English spellings, doubtless there are hundreds of thousandsof words in the English language that have the letter 'e' in them.Apart from this very rough indication, we regret that we have been unable to identify any source that would provide a more verifiable and precise answer to this interesting question.
how many words are there in the oxford English dictionary 2nd edition? thank you for your answer stormy
about 30,000
there are 479,623 words currently
600,000 words.
The Macmillan English dictionary contains around 750,000 words, phrases, and meanings.
The Second Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary contains full entries for 171,476 words in current use, and 47,156 obsolete words.
There are more than 50 words in the "A" section. But no one knows how many words are in in the "A" section. It depends on the dictionary you select. The one I used contains 10,366 words that begin with the letter A.
There are at least 228,132 words in the English Dictionary. This includes 47,156 words that are now obsolete but still included.
It really depends on the dictionary. Some include more words than others.
There are many words in the English language with begin with the letter O. A quick perusal through a dictionary will reveal hundreds of words. Some of them include ocean, octopus, oak, and orange.
Answer:The Oxford English Dictionary was the largest dictionary in the world. It is composed of 20 volumes (weighing a combined 138 pounds). It contains 500,000 wordsIt has been said that the English Language contains more than 600,000 words, and it growing by around 700-800 words daily by the younger citizens.Which English dictionary do you mean?