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Some of them are: happy, glad, content, pleased. You can find more in a thesaurus.

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Q: How many different ways to do the opposite meaning of unhappy?
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Is unhappy a prefixes word?

synonyms: sad · miserable · sorrowful · dejected · despondent · disconsolate · morose · [more] (unhappy at/about/with) not satisfied or pleased with (a situation). "many were unhappy about the scale of the cuts" synonyms: dissatisfied · displeased · discontented · disappointed · disgruntled · disapproving of unfortunate. "an unhappy coincidence" synonyms: unfortunate · unlucky · luckless · hapless · ill-starred · ill-fated · [more]

What is the nature opposite?

In many aspects, the opposite could be "civilization" because so many things about it are different from the natural environment. Among anthropologists and sociologists, the word nature is used to represent instinctive responses, having as its opposite factor "nurture" (meaning learned responses).

What is the opposite of nature?

In many aspects, the opposite could be "civilization" because so many things about it are different from the natural environment. Among anthropologists and sociologists, the word nature is used to represent instinctive responses, having as its opposite factor "nurture" (meaning learned responses).

What is the opposite of -44?

There are many different kinds of opposites. For example, the additive opposite is +44, the multiplicative opposite is -1/44.

What is the opposite of flue?

There is none. Flue is a noun with many different meanings. However, none of them have an opposite.

How many syllables are in the word unhappy?

There are three syllables in the word "unhappy."

How many unhappy numbers are there?

Infinitely many

What are 5 antonyms of walk?

just type in on your address bar, and click on theosouraus at the top and it will give you many options_______________Not every word has an antomym. An antonym is a word that has a meaning opposite the starting word. An antonym is opposite in meaning, and not just different in meaning. Up has an opposite, hot has an opposite. The antonyms of these opposites would be the words just given. The antonym of up is down, the antonyn of down is up. The antonym of hot is cold, and the antonym of cold is hot. Yes, there are variations, and words can have more than one meaning. Many words do not have antonyms. For example, what are the antonyms for: paint, chlorophyll, cataract, Jabberwok, skin, chicken pox, mink, pray, ski, thud, bungee jump, dance? The word 'walk' does not have an antomym. There are many different ways of getting around, but none of them would be antonyms of walk.

What is a sentence for the word black?

There are many different colors such as black with its opposite white or purple with its opposite yellow. hope this helps

Is the Bible the churches interpretation?

No, quite the opposite as many different interpretations have begun many different churches in Christianity - as well as Judaism.

What is the opposite meaning to the word Many?

I would guess it would be few because few is little bit and many is a lot

8 letter word meaning opposite to few?

many, much source: