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English is very mostly of our life. Because i do any work day by day on native life. As children as a wife as office. Any place then i need english language. So. English learn is very powerful & mostly.

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Where can one learn basic English and grammar?

There are many places here one can learn basic English and grammar. One can learn basic English and grammar at popular on the web sources such as 5 Minute English and Talk English.

What websites give free English conversations?

I wanted to learn basics of English grammar, where can I go online to learn free English conversation?

Write aparagraphabout some people say that english is easy to learn but difficult to answrr?

ENGLISH easy to learn

How to learn English quickly and speak fluently?

The best thing is to start expanding your vocabulary. I would forget about grammar to start with. Grammar will come naturally after you start to read more and more.Learn words (written ones, and many of them).I would advice you to start with some children books or magazines like Donald Duck in English.Every time you come across a word you do not understand, then you look it up in a dictionary.This might be slow at start, but soon you know a lot of "easy" words.As you learn more words, you should increase the difficulty of what you are reading.The book(s) Lord Of The Rings by JRR Tolkien is great entertainment and not actually very difficult English. Remember to use your dictionary on all the words you do not understand.Learning a language does take time. Shortcuts that work for one, does not always work for another. I personally did learn English mostly by reading magazines and books in English. This together with an Dictionary.I had an English teacher at school that once told me:Try using an English to English Dictionary. That way you will learn faster because you will start thinking about the English language in English.I started using the Oxford Advanced Dictionary Of Current English. This book explain English words by using other English words, hence you learn even more English whilst learning English.The language you learn from magazines (as in cartoons) and books is not the same as in real life. You learn a lot of words, but you will look funny when you talk and write using cartoon and book phrases.Buy a couple of updated newspapers in English. Read them. That type of English is quite advanced and sort of the English we all want to understand.For the speaking/talking part: Nothing is like actually watching a few films. It is great entertainment and... NO... you do not add subtitles in your own language. Subtitles in English is OK. Remember. You want to learn English.Be persistent. A minimum of 1 hour a day of reading exercise. The more you read, the more you start thinking in English, the easier the English language will become.When you start dreaming in English, then you have mastered the language.Why do you want to learn English if you are able to read and understand what I have written in my answer here. You seem to do a most splendid job already. Practice on the spoken English. By watching films without subtitles, your brain will open up for the spoken language. You will become better at understanding spoken English and at the same time you will hear your self how you sound when you speak English.Remember:Life is about having fun as well. If you get fed up with English, then have a break a few days. Play football. Go swimming. Think about something else.The most important thing is to make your self understood in the language. As long as you can do that, then nothing will be able to stop you from mastering the language with time.

Best way to learn American English?

The best way to learn American English is to live in the states. When you are surrounded in American culture you will learn the language quicker.

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Start by learn English.

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Learn English properly first my young friend before you start worrying about planes.

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Well first you can learn how to speak English that will be a start

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I think you need to learn some proper English before you start playing netball

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First stop being a try hard and trying to learn English, we already have the poms and Aussies covering that. If you are so eager to learn your ABC why not start with a children book like A is for apple and B is for bear. If that not works start watching teletubies, they got the answer.

How many people used English in Norway?

They start to learn english in kindergarden now. So basically, everyone is supposed to know how to speak english fluently by the end of middle school.

Question almost alwalys start with since and for and write it in 10 sentences?

Learn to speak English and then post questions here.

Do you have to learn english at school?

If the official language of your country is English, then yes. They will make you learn English at school.

Why is so hard to learn English?

English is the hardest language to learn hun'.

Can you learn to speak Jamaican?

Jamaicans speak English, but yes, you can learn English.

Why do I have to learn English?

You do not have to learn English if you don't live in a country with the official language as English, such as the United States of America. If you do come to the U.S.A. then you must learn.