Vert is the masculine form. Verte is feminine, and vertes is plural.
Emily is spelled Émilie in French.
The leafy green vegetable is spelled broccoli.
January is spelled 'janvier' in French. This is abbreviated 'Jan.'January is spelled 'janvier' in French. This is abbreviated 'Jan.' or 'janv.'
Jennifer is spelled the same in French.
It is spelled the same in French.
August is spelled 'août' in French.
"Cat" in French is spelled "chat".
Emily is spelled Émilie in French.
India in French is spelled "Inde."
"Luke" is spelled as "Luc" in French.
"Yellow" in French is spelled "jaune."
Cambodia is spelled 'le Cambodge' in French;
The word "ocean" in French is spelled "océan."
It's spelled statue in French. Our English word come from the French.
There isn't any French word spelled "lapadan".
Wallace is spelled the same way in English that it is in French.
The word "how" in French is spelled "comment."