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Q: How does Edwin Arlington Robinson's use of language and imagery affects the meaning of Aunt Imogen?
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Discuss how Edwin Arlington Robinson use of language and imagery affects the meaning of Aunt Imogen. Cite evidence from the poem to support your position?

Edwin Arlington RobinsonThe speaker in the poem 'Richard Cory' is an unnamed member of the lower class

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Imagery is when writer uses very descriptive language sometimes figurative language to appeal to all of their senses. When imagery is written well the reader can see, hear, taste, touch, and feel the text.

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Imagery Metamorphing

Language thatr evokes he five senses?


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There are seven different types of imagery used by adding vivid and descriptive language to a story. Two types of imagery are visual and olfactory.

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Is It Imagery

Are imagery and metaphor the same?

Imagery versus MetaphorImagery- Language that appeals to the senses (As I bit into the ripe, juicy watermelon, juice gushed down my chin) Metaphor- A comparison that makes a comparison between two or more dissimilar things (Most of my friends are night owls;I am an early bird).While imagery and metaphor are very specific language devices, metaphors often rely on imagery to make the comparison. So, metaphors can be imagery, but not all imagery are metaphors.