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INDUSTRIAL TRAINING TECHNICAL REPORT FORMATNigerian students studying science based courses in their 300 & 400 level depending on their course of study are supposed to embark on industrial training for a period of 3 months to one(1) year and this carries about 3-6 units in their second semester credit load. After the industrial training (I.T) period each student is supposed to write a technical report of his or her I.T experience this bears 25% of the total siwes marks.


Log book Record/ Presentation: 25 marks

Technical Report: 25 marks

Attitudinal Observation: 10 marks

Employers Report: 25 marks

Oral interview by department (I.T defence): 15 marks. This makes technical report a major issue in gaining good grades from siwes. In writing a technical report the following format should be used

COVER PAGE : This should contain the students name, department, matriculation Number, period of attachment (dates should be quoted), your employers name and location.

DEDICATION PAGE for example . I dedicate this report to the almighty God.

ACkNOWLEDGEMENT eg I will like to acknowledge my parents for their immense support, my lecturers and all who have contributed to this point in the success of my accademic pursuit.

TABLE OF CONTENTS this should contain the afore mentioned and four chapters.

CHAPTER 1 : This should contain the introduction, brief history of the firm where training was carried out and organisational chart.

CHAPTER 2 : This should contain activities during training period. This should be lucidly done.

CHAPTER 3 : Problems encountered during the training period.

CHAPTER 4 : Conclusion and general appraisal of the programme. It should be noted that a technical report should not be more than fourteen(14) pages. Diagrams, graphs and sketches should be used where neccesary.

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