If you want to write about pet store, you can write Online Pet Store in India. You should write the specific location, description and submit it.
The plural form of pet is pets.
Hi, Full form of PET is known as Polyethylene terephthalate . I know a PET bottles Manufacturer named DDW PLASTIC & MOULD which provides all services regarding Plastic mould.
Fanny is a given name, and a pet form of Frances.
Pets can be a plural noun or a verb. It is a plural noun in "How many pets do you have?" It is a verb in "See how gently he pets the cat."
No, the word mice is a plural noun. The word mice ending with an s must have the apostrophe before the ending s(mice's).The word mice's is the possessive form of the plural noun.The singular noun is mouse.The singular possessive noun is mouse's.EXAMPLESPlural: Jack has two pet mice. The mice's namesare Mickey and Minnie.Singular: A mouse was nibbling the doughnut. The mouse's whiskers were covered with powdered sugar.
The noun children's is the plural possessive form. Replace the word 'children' with 'ladies'. "The ladies' pet" is obviously plural possessive. The term 'The children's pet' is a singular subject or object, for example: The children's pet is a rabbit. The care of the children's pet is the children's responsibility.
There is a pet store in town and it is very busy.
The plural possessive form of the word bunnies isbunnies'. The singular form is bunny. Bunny is a noun and if you want to make talk about your pet bunny and its food, actions, etc. then you would say bunnies' as being plural and talking about possession.
The plural form of the noun dog is dogs.The plural possessive form is dogs'.Example: All of the dogs' collars have a tag imprinted with their name.
The possessive form of the plural noun dogs is dogs'.The dogs stay:in a dogs' kennelin the dogs' housesin the dogs' owners' housesin the dogs' cages at the pet shop
Class's = the possessive form of the singular noun class.Classes' = the possessive form of the plural noun classes.Examples:The class's pet frog was called Robert. (one class had a pet frog called Robert)All of the classes' students were at the assembly. (the students from all classes were at the assembly)
If the pet store is petco or petsmart, the proper procedure for that would be to put the pet in quarantine in the wellness room, or quiet room, for a week or so, study it's habits and health, then put it back out on the floor.
Write about a turkey who works at a pet store -- sounds like a perfectly good idea to me. You're the author, not some anonymous person on the internet! Plant your butt in a chair and get started on that poor turkey's story. If you don't know what goes on in a pet store, start researching. Here's a link to how authors come up with story ideas.
"Mice" is the plural form of "mouse." So, say you buy one of them at the pet store. Your sentence would be, "I bought a mouse at the pet store today!" If you bought more than one, it would be, "I bought several mice at the pet store today."
The pet store.
yes the dixie market has a pet store
In the pet store