Tetelestai is a Greek word, and has no standard spelling in Aramaic. I would write it phonetically in Aramaic as תתלסתי
You can write Kaleb in Aramaic like that ܟܠܒ. In Jewish Aramaic it would be spelled like this: כלב
Unconditional love in aramaic
Modern Aramaic is written with the syriac alphabet and (Jewish) Biblical Aramaic is written with the Hebrew alphabet. In Biblical Aramaic, it's מיכאל
The Aramaic word for forgive is "shlama."
The phrase "Father, forgive them" in Aramaic is "Avvon d'bishmayya, nethqadash sh'makh."
The phrase "please forgive me" in Aramaic is written as "אנא סלח לה (‘anah salakh le).
In Aramaic, "God forgive me" can be written as "ܐܬܠܝ ܐܠܗܐ ܠ܀ ܫܡܟ."
In Aramaic, "Father forgive them they know not what they do" can be translated as "Avoon d'b'shmayo nithqadash shmokh titeh malkutokh, nihan tzevyanokh aykano d'bwashmaya ap b'ar'ah."
Tetelestai is a Greek word, and has no standard spelling in Aramaic. I would write it phonetically in Aramaic as תתלסתי
You can write Kaleb in Aramaic like that ܟܠܒ. In Jewish Aramaic it would be spelled like this: כלב
Unconditional love in aramaic
"ἠν ἡχέμεχ ώντα," which is pronounced as "eḥemekh enta."
In Aramaic, the name "Bahra" can be written as ܒܗܪܐ.