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The shirt's collar is frayed.

He was shocked at the shirt's price.

The shirt's material is cotton.

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Q: How do you write a possessive nouns sentence with the word shirt's?
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The singular possessive form is mother's.The plural possessive form is mothers'.

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The possessive singular of all English nouns is formed by adding 's: grass's

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The possessive form for "home of an animal" is the "animal's home".

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put just an apostrophe like cats' or sheep's

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A possessive shows ownership of something. They usually end in 's.Some examples are Bob's backpack, his brain, your hand, my cookie, etc.

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The possessive form of the noun fox is fox's. example sentence: We saw a fox's footprints in the snow.

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The plural possessive noun is neighbors'. You have spelled it correctly.

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Example sentence: The elephant's tusks and ears were large.

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The possessive form of the noun escape is escape's.example: His escape's result was another four years added to his sentence.

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The noun Yujin is a proper noun, the name of a person. A proper noun is always capitalized.The possessive form for a friend of Yujin is Yujin's friend.

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John and the Smiths took my mother on a picnic in the park.common nouns: mother, picnic, and park.proper nouns: John, and Smiths.