The word mass can be used in physics, as a verb, or as a religious rite.
"We determined that the mass of the apple was 30 grams."
"He expected the enemy's forces to mass near the river crossing."
"They held a funeral mass for the victims of the tornado."
"We must also consider the role of the mass media in society today." The word mass has several different meanings depending on the context. A mass of people gathered to hear his speech.
Just use it! Or do you mean, can you use the word beheld in a sentence.
How do you use the word decibel in a sentence?What is decibel used for?
the word rag in a sentence
use the word "an" in a sentence
you use the word demote in a sentence like this: I will demote you from being the teacher.
The Atomic Mass unit is a very useful way to get the properties of an element. This is a sentence which contains the word atomic mass unit.
Philip received communion during this Sunday's Mass.
"mass number" is not "the/a" word, it is two words.
The black hole had so much mass that it was able to bend light around it.
mass means something massive.
The priest opened the missal to read the prayers during the Mass.
Can you use the word concluding in a sentence? Done.
You can use the word Truss in a sentence like this.
Just use it! Or do you mean, can you use the word beheld in a sentence.
Since that is not a word I would not attempt to use it in a sentence.
You just did use the word colonize in a sentence.
You can use the word Terrorist in a sentence as " Muslims are not terrorist ".