created in 1812 by Mass governor Elbridge Gerry, who crafted a district for political purposes that looked like a salamander, merging the 2 words of Gerry and salamander into "gerrymander."
Just use it! Or do you mean, can you use the word beheld in a sentence.
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the word rag in a sentence
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The elected council plotted to gerrymander the electoral boundaries so as to maximize their chances of re-election.
The term "gerrymander" was named after Governor Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts and the word "salamander," based on the shape of a redistricted district during his governorship in 1812.
created in 1812 by Mass governor Elbridge Gerry, who crafted a district for political purposes that looked like a salamander, merging the 2 words of Gerry and salamander into "gerrymander."
Can you use the word concluding in a sentence? Done.
You can use the word Truss in a sentence like this.
Just use it! Or do you mean, can you use the word beheld in a sentence.
Since that is not a word I would not attempt to use it in a sentence.
You just did use the word colonize in a sentence.
You can use the word Terrorist in a sentence as " Muslims are not terrorist ".
How do you use the word decibel in a sentence?What is decibel used for?
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