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The girl waited anxiously to find out whether or not she had gotten into the college of her dreams.

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Q: How do you use the word anxiously in a sentence?
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How would you use anxiously in a sentence?

You would use the word anxiously to describe how someone was feeling.For Example:She sat anxiously in the waiting room.He wrote his answer down anxiously.

What is a good sentence with the word anxiously in the sentence?

He anxiously awaited the results of the test.

Is anxiously an adverb?

Yes, the word anxiously is an adverb.An example sentence with the adverb is: "he waits anxiously for the results of the exam".

Who will use anxiously in a sentence?

I am waiting anxiously for the buss to come at the bus stop.

Can you write a sentence using the word Anxiously waiting?

yes, eg she was anxiously waiting for man to reapear ....

What is a sentence using the word anxiously?

He anxiously ran to his father to see what has he got within his travelling bag. Anxious means exited..:)

What is a sentence with anxiously?

I anxiously walk into my new job.

What is a sentence with the word canonization?

We anxiously await Mother Teresa's impending canonization.

What is another word for nervously?

anxiously, tensely

What is a sentence for anxiously?

He anxiously awaited the decision on his admission to the college. The nearby residents anxiously observed the rising water in the creek.

What type of noun is the word anxiously?

The word 'anxiously' is not a noun, it is an adverb, a word to modify a verb; for example:We anxiously strained to see the grades that were being posted.The boy sat waiting anxiously for the doctor with the hypodermic.The noun forms are anxiousness and anxiety.

How do you spell anchusly?

The word is spelled anxiously. Anxious is the base word and "-ly" is the suffix.